Sunday, January 2, 2011

millennium turns eleven . i turns thirty-six minus seven

10.11pm, coded 020111, happy new year! It’s the second day of the whole new and only twenty-eleven. It seems there have been lots of events passed by in just 2 weeks time before millennium turns eleven. Holidays are always insufficient and vacations are always a thirst, like blood to vampire. And work is like kryptonite to superman. Tomorrow is my first day back to work and this means that a whole new 363 days are waiting in list. Though it sounds busy but I believe that time is under our own control, so I wish that I can fulfill the following. Take it as a resolution list but it means more than that to me. Here it goes.
Start on yoga instead of hyper-dancing workout
Stop and have a cup of tea when I need to even though I’m busy as can be.

Travel more

Hang out with my buddies more often

Eat healthy

Keep up with my collection on cans and containers

Date William more or ask him to date me more

Make my blog more interesting and full house

Shower puffy with more love

Add up my collections of tea-brand-labels with string or non-string attached

Add more names into my circle of friends

Keep on with my productions of handcrafting items

Snap more photos

Drink more water

Get my shoes dirtier

Continue with my doodling

Most importantly, spend more time with my family.
I think that's not enough. There are lots more thing that I wish I can do or fulfill. Attend Mayday's concert whenever there is one in Malaysia. Grab more albums from Mayday, Paramore, Blue Foundation, Zee Avi, soundtracks, etc. Embed more concept into my jobs when needed. Finish my books. Get young and be happy! Twenty-eleven, here i come!

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