color blind . waiting for the path-finder |
This was taken last year during a trip to Penang. I love taking photos when i'm inside of the car and of coz when i'm not driving. This sight captures my color blind lens when I was on the way up a little route to a temple and it reminds me of the days when i'm still in waiting for the path-finder... the bus driver. When I was in my primary school, I always take the bus to school until the last year of my high school days. I've never felt bored about the waiting duration coz that is the only period that I can spend time with myself and my dream. I always day dream during the waiting and even sing to myself. Nowadays its a different thing as there is MP3 and people sings to me and sometimes I even sing along. If there's a book, I will be reading. If there's a blank book, I will be doodling. If there's a camera, I will be snapping photos. If there's nothing, I will be observing. If there's nothing to observe and it's dark, I will be... shaking... coz this mean I'm alone in the dark and it's scary. Sometimes I wish I have telepathic skills to enable me in reading other people's mind. I can then check out what kind of thing that each of the "path-finder-wait-er" are thinking.