Monday, September 10, 2012

the last flashback for twentyeleven . july+august+september+october+november+december

11.15pm coded 090912, Sunday night and I'm not feeling anything near to sleep at all. I should be very tired as I've worked from last Friday until now. Not any closer to the so called 'weekend-rest'. Nope... not at all. You may call me a workaholic, I may admit but not just on work. I guess I'm just a bit hyper comparing to most people. Not saying that I'm special but just a bit active for my age. Yup.. I just turned 30 last month and I'm totally proud of it. Living for 3 decades and still not living it to the fullest. Need to work out on that I guess.

Something tragic happened last month on 2 days before my birthday. I met with a car accident on the fast lane in a highway from KL - Ipoh and i crushed towards a Hilux. With 5 people including me onboard, I can't think of anything but hoping that no one are hurt. Thankfully, my hopes were true. Just a little swelling here or there and a little bit of shocked... everyone are fine but my car... poor thing. She's in the 'car hospital' waiting to be treated.

It's a good moment for me to have some flashbacks tonight. I used to tell people that my life, it's a bit too simple sometimes. Nothing tremendous happen but that's what some people are asking for. A simple life with simple things but human just aren't satisfy enough with what the environment are feeding them. I guess it's down to one simple choice. Live with it and live with curiosity. Yes... curiosity. It's the one thing that keeps me going all these years (minusing those which I think I'm still all blur and floating around). Curiosity is the medicine to a life long learning and a life long discovery. It's a booster for all kinds of things around you. Counting from day one of your arrival to this life and the end of your human life and so on to the other side of the world which depends on what religion you're in. Either you're the Heaven type or the Reincarnation type or maybe you're the FreeThinker type.

Tonight I will post all of my remaining flashbacks for last year. If you're reading this, you might be in my little flashbacks or maybe not. But do enjoy it as I do hope that I did give you a little flashbacks of your own.

A special dedication for my years ahead. I'm waiting for you and I'm all ready.


 xoxo twentyeleven xoxo

Thursday, July 12, 2012

flashback . twentyeleven-june

1.53pm coded 120712, Thursday noon and my students are late to class. Can't do much as they are graduating soon. Reaching July means another half year to go in order to reach 2013. It's time for some flashback on June.

Specially drawn for June 2011

2nd - Hotspring in Lost World Tambun.

3rd - Renovation in Clothing Stories.

4th - Painting the wall for a new section in our boutique.

5th - Adding some final touch to Simple Food section.

6th - William's birthday!

9th - Shopping for goods to start Simple Food.

10th - A round trip from Ipoh to Slim River to Ipoh to pick up Marcus Sifu and straight to VooDoo
Fun Pub.

11th - Early celebration on Karen's birthday. Jap food straight to Barroom.

13th - Crazy nite out in Euro House. Non-stop tower and mini games.

14th - Dinner with parents and a little chit chat in Starbucks with Mr. Yong.

16th - Got an invitation from James Phan of Exito.

17th - Food testing in Simple Food.

19th - Meeting up for the first time. My parent and his parents.

20th - KL day trip for books and other stuff.

22nd - A little shopping with William.

24th - Another Friday night in VooDoo with singing competition. Jess was the judge.

26th - Big day! Opening celebration for clothing Stories.

27th - Got my StayReal tote bag from a magazine.

30th - Coordinating for Exito's hair show in Barroom.

Hope i have the time to post for July on July.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

flashback . twentyeleven-may

10.30am coded 130612, Wednesday morning and I'm out of the institute during working hours. Nope, I'm not 'SEH WONG' (snake king)... I'm bringing my students out for outdoor activity and I'm waiting for them. Got a little mix of emotion these few days. Happy because I'm throwing out some burden from my shoulder but sad at the same time to let the load off. Like the old saying, human will never satisfy. Or I should say that things are always like this. There is good and there is bad. Whichever comes first, just face it with the best solution and method. The best things are creating the memories all the way. I'm reaching May now.

specially drawn for May 2011 

1st - Labour Day! but still we need to be at the boutique.

2nd - Had a great dinner and dessert.

4th - Had another great dinner with dessert and dyed my hair that very night.

7th - Was a big day because it was my 2nd brother's wedding.

10th - Lunch at Chor Kee. Lui Cha with hot lemon. Funny combination.

12th - Spent some time on storyboarding and got a free membership from Why Why bookstore.

13th - Ate my first porridge steamboat.

14th - Feasting time in McD... with reason... The Patrick straw!

15th - Mix sour vege! My favourite!

16th - Dinner at Mushroom Hut and eat my usuals, TomYum soup with white rice.

17th - Gathering with buddies at Browns cafe.

18th - Deco Clothing Stories with my doodles.

19th - Another public singing attempt.

20th - Took 2 days off from boutique and went to Chui Chak... passed by Teluk Intan.

21st - Finally, got my chance to snap some paddy field and blue sky.

22nd - Rush back to Ipoh on that very morning to celebrate Kyan's 1 year old birthday!

23rd - Usuals... Mushroom soup with Spicy Prawn Aglio Olio! Nice!

25th - Bought a new rack for Simple Food.

28th - Went to Jackie Tan's house warming party and straight down to Secret Garden.

29th - Had a very bad stomach ache... Must have been the Kilkenny. I'm not kenny and don't kill me!

Stay tune... June

Sunday, June 3, 2012

flash-back . twentyeleven-april

10.32pm coded 030612, Sunday night and a few days fresh from June. It's been a busy weekend as me and my business partner are boxing up our stuff in the boutique before hanging it back to the owner this coming mid-June. During the boxing up, memories kept popping out as we've just started the business but it was actually a year and half ago. That's why things or stuff equals importance. It brings memory or a hint of something. Just like the coming April calendar diary, so much happened in a year.

specially drawn for april 2011

4th - Went to Jess's home for dinner.

6th - A sudden trip to KL. Went to 'The Hills' for a beer.

7th - Look for our Korea clothing dealer in Bangsar.

8th - Redecorate Clothing Stories.

9th - Went to 'Scotch' for lunch.

10th - Met my cousin, Eugene and his mates in Berlins.

11th - Bought a new bag for daily use.

12th - Pressuring the students on coming examination.

14th - Went to Euro House for house free pouring wine!

16th - Clubbing time!

18th - Bought some cloth and made a bag.

19th - Took some time and made some gift cards.

21st - Went to Lawan Kuda for dinner.

23rd - Karaoke time!

24th - On duty! Photography session. Pose Pose Pose!

25th - Free home-made porridge!

26th - Happy feasting on promo sushi but sad feeling on my car.

29th - Tried my first time public singing.

30th - Supporting Jess during her stage show.

Coming up, May.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

flash-back . twentyeleven-march

6.30pm coded 200512, Sunday and tomorrow is another Monday. It has been a hard week as things were quite slow comparing to the others but I'm glad that I finally find some time to upgrade my iphone, learnt to play a new song with my guitar, snap a few interesting shots, imported my CDs into itunes and last but not least, blog this very 'Last-year-March' before reaching Monday.

March 2011, the timeline.

specially drawn for march 2011

1st - Had dinner at 'Mushroom Hut'.

2nd - Went to Taiping Sentral to watch 'Burlesque'!

3rd - Bought Super Band CD.

5th - Shopping spree in SnJ. Bought a teddy for William.

6th - Big bro back from Singapore!

8th - Once in a blue moon. I was sick!

10th - William went to Bangkok! T.T

13th - Celebrated a friend's birthday in KFC. Everyone dressed as student!

15th - William's back! Got a few souvenirs.

16th - Big feast!

18th - Went for karaoke.

19th - On duty! Coordinated for 'Oscar Nite' in Casuarina Hotel.

20th - Had dinner in Soon Fatt and went for karaoke.

21st - Went to Joycipes for dinner and it was raining like hell.

26th - Another feasting night.

27th - Got some amulet from a caring friend.

28th - Care night. A nice salt spa for my body and moisturizing mask for my face.

29th - Noodle time.

30th - Another karaoke night at OTK.

Stay tune for April 2011.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

flash-back . twentyeleven-february

11.30pm coded 120512, Saturday near midnight. Just finished the last episode of The Vampire Diaries, Season 3. Eyes swollen as each seasons do comes to an end and endings are always touching! Well it will be hard to wait for Season 4 and I guess I'll go back to my little flash back thingy.

It's February 2011 for this post. You might be in it.

specially drawn for feb 2011

2nd - It's the reunion dinner before CNY at my cousin's home.

3rd - Happy Chinese New Year!

4th - Still in CNY mood, DIM SUM, Gambling!

5th - Went to some place cooler for a CNY break.

6th - Back to Ipoh straight with a steamboat.

7th - Went to the SSM to register Clothing Stories and met Domo, Momo's son.

8th - Working time in boutique!

9th - Got some new arrivals from Taiwan!

11th - Saved a snail from the road.

13th - Went to Snow Fusion for lunch.

14th - Happy Valentine's Day!

15th - And got my sunflower the day after. Better late than never.

18th - Spent my time on the blog.

19th - A Kilkenny for the night.

21st - Busy with work... All piled up.

22nd - Had some flashback with my MAYDAY books and bio.

23rd - Got a free delivery of porridge that very day.

25th - KL day trip.

27th - Sifu came and installed some Feng Shui stuff.

28th - Last day of that February and ended with a big feast of BAN MEE!

Well, 2011 was not a leap year and so 28th ends it all. Hope you enjoyed the flashback.