Thursday, July 12, 2012

flashback . twentyeleven-june

1.53pm coded 120712, Thursday noon and my students are late to class. Can't do much as they are graduating soon. Reaching July means another half year to go in order to reach 2013. It's time for some flashback on June.

Specially drawn for June 2011

2nd - Hotspring in Lost World Tambun.

3rd - Renovation in Clothing Stories.

4th - Painting the wall for a new section in our boutique.

5th - Adding some final touch to Simple Food section.

6th - William's birthday!

9th - Shopping for goods to start Simple Food.

10th - A round trip from Ipoh to Slim River to Ipoh to pick up Marcus Sifu and straight to VooDoo
Fun Pub.

11th - Early celebration on Karen's birthday. Jap food straight to Barroom.

13th - Crazy nite out in Euro House. Non-stop tower and mini games.

14th - Dinner with parents and a little chit chat in Starbucks with Mr. Yong.

16th - Got an invitation from James Phan of Exito.

17th - Food testing in Simple Food.

19th - Meeting up for the first time. My parent and his parents.

20th - KL day trip for books and other stuff.

22nd - A little shopping with William.

24th - Another Friday night in VooDoo with singing competition. Jess was the judge.

26th - Big day! Opening celebration for clothing Stories.

27th - Got my StayReal tote bag from a magazine.

30th - Coordinating for Exito's hair show in Barroom.

Hope i have the time to post for July on July.